RegScanner 1.80 中文版 [問題回報] [下載教學]
RegScanner–登錄檔搜尋工具,Windows雖然內建登錄檔編輯器(regedit.exe),但是搜尋起來相當難用,這個工具體積小,可以一次把某個關鍵字相關的登錄檔機碼列出來,並以右鍵點擊某各項目,再用內建登錄檔編輯器開啟。(阿榮)(alvine 推薦)
RegScanner is a small utility that allows you to scan the Registry, find the desired Registry values that match to the specified search criteria, and display them in one list. After finding the Registry values, you can easily jump to the right value in RegEdit, simply by double-clicking the desired Registry item. You can also export the found Registry values into a .reg file that can be used in RegEdit.
Version 1.77
* Fixed bug: When searching a key in 'Exact Match' mode, RegScanner compared the search string with the full key path, and thus it never found the key.
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